I worry for Gehazi Part III (Humorously Coined) by Dr Nathaniel Omilani

Text: I Kings 18:21, II Kings 2, II Kings 4:32-36

 Note: The expression I worry for Gehazi is not a standard expression do not repeat in any formal setting

The lessons from the life of Gehazi, which I started in the last two editions, will be concluded in this edition. We shall be looking at how he became a leper. From far away Syria came a man of honour called Naaman. Naaman is the commander of the Syrian Army. Naaman came with a letter from the king of Syria. Earlier, Naaman had taken the note to King of Israel as though the king could heal Naaman. The King of Israel was sad because he could not heal anyone (I kings 4 4-7). The king of Israel felt that the Syrians were seeking an opportunity to fight Israel. Elisha later knew about it, and he told the king to send Naaman to him.

On his arrival, Naaman assumed that the man of God would stretch his hands, and he would be healed of leprosy. But, to his shock, the man of God did not come out; he sent a servant to tell him to wash seven times in the River Jordan. Naaman was unhappy, and he said* if he could not come out to me, he should have recommended better rivers*. Little did he know that the better rivers were only better in aesthetic and hygiene but not in the power of God.

Naaman eventually agreed after persuasion, and he was healed by the power of God after he deep himself in river Jordan as instructed by the prophet. He came to show appreciation with material things, but Elisha declined the gift. If I were to summarize the lessons Namaan learnt during this episode, I would have the following list:

  1. Naaman saw that Man could not approach God with arrogance (James 4:6)
  2. He equally saw that obedience to the word of God and human reasoning/intelligence are not always best of friends (I Corinthian 1
  3. He saw that man could not purchase God’s healing with any price (Acts 8: 18-20)
  4. Lesson 3 made him show interest in worshipping the God who healed him. (II Kings 5:16-17)

Gehazi would not allow him to go just like that without a fifth lesson. The fifth lesson was that some emergencies might come that can alter lesson 3. Gehazi is teaching through his action that which he has in mind. Gehazi’s reasoning is against lesson three.

He always thinks that the men who seek help are clients and not souls. Gehazi should have asked Elisha why he said, “as the Lord liveth, I will not take any gift from you”. Gehazi did not ask the question, but he saw Naaman taking heaps of sand from Israel and worshipping the God of Elisha. Naaman could have given a one-time gift and would not worship God after. Elisha’s refusal of the gift made Namaan uneasy and indebted to the God who healed him. So, he chose to worship the God who healed him and immediately condemned idolatry.

II Kings 5:17-18

If you will not (take a gift from me),” said Naaman, “please let me, your servant, be given as much earth as a pair of mules can carry, for your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other god but the Lord.

He rejected idolatry

18_But may the Lord forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the temple of Rimmon to bow down and he is leaning on my arm and I bow there also-when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord forgive your servant for this_


Gehazi eventually got the leprosy of Namaan as a reward for teaching the fifth lesson. The instruction here is that Gehazi ended up in the state that gave Namaan sorrow. Gehazi also had leprosy of greed, but he sought no help until he missed his divine destiny


Action Plan

Pray about your life and tell the Lord to deal with Gehazi’s tendency in your life.

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