May I not have Such Victory

Documented in the book of Judges are accounts of victories that God gave the Israelites. These events are breathtaking because the hand of God was against the enemy of Israel in many instances. For example, the star in their courses fought against Sisera and his army, Gideon, with just three hundred men, destroyed five national armies along with their kings. Samson was like a one-person army, and he triumphed over thousands of Philistines. Likewise, through the hand of Jephthah, the son of Gilead, God delivered a significant blow against the Ammonite. However, before God raised any of the Judges, there was a clause in every chapter in the book of Judges.

And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, (Judges 2:1; 4:1;6:1; 13:1; 13:1;3:7;3:12; 10:6).

This clause describes the beginning of a new affliction after a victory. This is the cycle, Israel forgets God and worships idols, God will strengthen their enemies against them, they will be oppressed, they cry to God amid their affliction, God will raise a judge, the judge will rescue them from the enemy, and they go back to sin again.

I remember the story told by Dr D.K. Olukoya (the leading voice in deliverance ministry in Nigeria and Africa). He said he prayed with a man who holds a doctorate in accounting but suffered a strange affliction. The affliction was that life cockroaches came out of his head. If the man sits somewhere, he will be busy killing cockroaches coming out of his head. In a short time, the floor will be filled with dead cockroaches he had killed with his hands. So the Lord delivered him, and the man of God warned him to stop taking alcohol. After a while, the man was back with the same affliction. Immediately the man of God saw him; he asked, “sir, have you been drinking alcohol” and the man said yes.

The victories the Israelites celebrated in the book of Judges were always short-lived because of their sins. This is the reality of many believers today. We usually open the doors for the devil to come back through our sins. If you know that antimalaria drug cures malaria fever and you now decide to allow mosquitoes to bite you, that is foolish. Instead, it is wise to avoid mosquito bites. Some of the testimonies we share are in the realm of foolishness because they result from opening the doors to the enemy before crying to God.

Imagine the children of Israel did not turn back to sin against God; they will capitalize on a victory and overcome all the enemies around them. Therefore, the grace of God upon you is expected to abound. This means grace should multiply if you don’t run in and out of sin. Running in and out of sin is starting all over again.

Romans 6:1-2

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 

 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? 

Tit 2:11-12 

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world;

For the grace of God to abound, we must do the following

  1. Deny ungodliness and worldly lust: For example, there are so many ungodly contents you must avoid in the media space.
  2. Live soberly: This means self-restraint in every area of life.
  3. Live righteously
  4. Live godly

I pray that you enjoy unending victory in Jesus’ name.



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