You must have heard it being said that women or girls rule the world. You are also familiar with what is usually referred to as women/girl power. The next edition of Tuesday Light will be an instruction from the Lord for women and girls. In the beginning, the quality of God’s breath that made Adam a living soul is not superior or inferior to the one that made Eve a living soul. The only difference is the features of the body that house the breath of God in Eve.
Another difference is the emotions and feelings that come from the soul of women. This is equally placed there because of the nature of the assignment of the girls/women, the same way God gave them a unique body.
Many years ago, my mother had to work in another state while my father and I resided in another because of state creation. Not long after, all the teachers in my school knew my mother was not around. I did not tell any of them, but they knew. One of them asked why my hair was not well combed one morning. This woman replied before I provided an answer *“you no longer live with mother, you were not like this before, where is your mother?”*. I told her that my mother comes around only on weekends and she said no wonder you are scattered and unkempt.
A woman was missing in my life and it was obvious to all because I lacked care. The devil on the other hand, wants women/girls to prove their womanhood in a way that glorifies him.
Examples of Wrong Ways to Prove Your Womanhood
- Dressing/Appearance: We are in a time when the moral compass is weak, and the world has done away with anything called fear of God.
Globalization has affected the dressing culture, and we no longer have a common standard for decency and moderation.
Women now present their body part(s), which is/are meant to be private to the public. Modesty and shamefacedness are no longer inhibitions to provocative dressing (cleavage, breast, waist, lower waist, in print of the actual private parts, and much more are now being revealed as the new normal)
Someone said that Adam and Eve were afraid and ashamed because they were naked in the Garden of Eden. Hence, they sought for clothes. On the other hand, our generation is now afraid to wear clothes that will cover nakedness. Devil daily inspires our fashion designers.
Exhibitionism (as shown in adverts, models, and dancers) is the agenda of the devil to make the world accept it.
My mother’s absence was noticed by my teachers, not because of her body but because of the care which I lacked. God did not want women/girls to display their bodies as sexual objects to prove they were women/girls. The body is the temple of God.
God instructed Moses specifically about how to design the garment of Aaron
Exodus 28:42
And thou shalt make them linen breaches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach.
All through Leviticus 18: 6-19, God gave specific instruction that a man should not uncover the nakedness of his father’s wife, mother, sons’ daughter, daughter, father’s sister, daughter’s daughter, daughter-in-law, a woman, and her daughter.
This scripture was actually written to forbid sexual relationships with those specified therein. Moreover, beyond the figurative expression “do not uncover”, the literal meaning is that immediately after a man undresses a woman, a sexual relationship follows.
Unfortunately, the devil has made women go about undressed or partially undressed even before they meet any man in the name of fashion. The Lord is unhappy about this.
Jesus cannot be your Lord, and Satan will be your Fashion Designer at the same time
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