Benefit of Jesus Resurrection

This is the concluding part of the Passion Week series. After Jesus’ death on the cross, Joseph of Aramathea, took his body for a private burial in a grave which he provided. man called. The Jews still went on to convince Pilate that he should provide security guards at the tomb. They insisted that disciples may come to steal the body of Jesus (Matt 27:62-65).

Early in the morning, on the third day which was a Sunday, there was an earthquake at the tomb. My understanding had always been that the earthquake was necessary so as to mesmerize the soldiers guarding the tomb. I later realized that just like a man with AK47 will not need to shoot to kill an earthworm, God will not also need an earthquake to get rid of the soldiers because he owns the breath in their nostrils. Rather, the power of resurrection is the exact power that gave life to the lifeless Adam in the beginning (Gen 2: 7). This power entered into the grave and Jesus resurrected. The residual effect of the power is the earth quake and not that the earthquake. Today we shall highlight what the resurrection brings to us.

What did the resurrection bring to us?
1. It made us joint heir with Jesus. All through the ministry of Jesus, he refers to God as his father. However, immediately after he resurrected, he told Mary Magdalene not to cling to him because he has not ascended *to my father and your father, my God and your God (John 20:17).

This was the first time Jesus referred to God as the father of all his followers. To become a child of God, you must confess that Jesus is the Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will become his son or daughter as the case may be (Romans 10:9).

2. We have hope that if we die in the Lord, we will be resurrected on the last day like Jesus did.
I Corinthians 15:13
For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either

Hence, we know that Christ has been raised and we know that we shall all be raised from the dead.

3. The power of resurrection enters our mortal body immediately we surrender our life to Jesus. The activity of the power of resurrection within our spirit send signals of joy to our soul and healing to our body (Romans 8:11).

The power of resurrection can quicken your mortal body. I watched a documentary of a city close to a nuclear station that was closed down because of accident.

Neighboring cities and towns were equally deserted. In one of the towns, I saw a well-stocked supermarket and the narrator said no one touches anything in there because of the radioactive contamination.

I remember there was a fruit wine sealed on a shelf in the supermarket. Radioactive material from miles away entered the wine irrespective of the cork on it. How much more, the power resurrection in your spirit healing your physical body.

4. God now dwells in you and you in him now.
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him

*Action Point*
Pray that the power of resurrection should heal your physical body (Romans 8:11)

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