Joseph was the eleventh among the sons of Jacob. Jacob loved Joseph very much, just like he loved Rachel, who was the mother of Joseph. Jacob’s love and special attention made his brothers jealous. In addition to this, Joseph shared some destiny dreams with his brothers, and the interpretation frightened them. This made him a victim of envy and jealousy.
He was sold to slavery only later to become the manager in the house of Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife lusted after him, but he refused to sleep with her. She lied against him. Joseph was thrown into prison over the false allegation of attempted rape. In prison, the Lord brought officers of Pharaoh his way. He interpreted dreams for them (the baker and butler of Pharaoh, who were also incarcerated). One thing led to the other. He became the prime minister in Egypt after interpreting Pharaoh’s dream.
The narrative Jacob and his household believed about Joseph for more than one, and the half-decade was that Joseph is dead. His brothers said the same to him in Egypt because they also believed it. They constructed this false narrative, but since no one heard about Joseph, the falsehood became their truth.
, _ “We your servants are twelve brothers, sons of one man in the land of Canaan. Look, the youngest is with our father today, and the other one is no more.”_Gen42:13
After a few years, his brothers expected Joseph to appear, but he did not; hence they concluded that he is dead.
In this edition, we will consider what Joseph’s news meant to Jacob and his household. Jacob was going back and forth to buy food in Egypt before now. Immediately Jacob heard that Joseph is alive, and he had a choice to say, “no, it is not true”. Jacob said it was not true initially (Gen 45;26).
After a while, he believed when he saw the wagons.
_*Jacob said, it must be true, my son Joseph is alive, I will go and see him before I die*_
_Gen 45:28_
I want us to know that Jacob went to Egypt to see Joseph because he believed. Joseph is a type of Jesus, and I tell you *Jesus is alive*. It would help if you also saw him before you die.
Revelation 1:18
*_I am the living one who died, Look, I am alive forever and ever_*
Joseph preserved Jacob and his entire household from the famine without them paying any amount. Jesus also will preserve you from the destruction (Roman 3:23) that is upon the race of man.
*Jesus is alive* to give you eternal life. Tell him to come into your heart today.
Jesus come to my life