But Why?????


The Holyspirit persuaded me to write about a fallen general, Pastor Oludamilare Adeboye. Pastor Oluwadamilare Adeboye is the second of the three sons of our revered Pentecostal father of faith in Nigeria. The first time I  ever watched him preach during a holy ghost service, I found his humor repulsive.

He said  in his sermon that day, God will give you a wife with Coca-Cola bottle shape who get front and back. I expected some measure of continence from him, just like Dady Adeboye. I started applying the homiletics rules I learnt in the Bible College to analyse that part of his sermon.

Later, the holy spirit cautioned me that this man is called of God. Usually, preachers seldomly speak as  men.  I have been guilty of the same in the past. I also had a deep conviction that there is something extraordinary about his calling. He appears to me as the Aaron among the Levites whose rod will bud in a contest of supremacy.

I learnt of his demise the morning of Thursday 6th of May, and I cannot tell you how devastated I was. I never knew that it happened since Wednesday 5th of May 2021. I expected a contrary news until he was buried. During the evening of tribute, I could deduce that growing up in affluence did not prevent him from having his portion of sacrifice and hardship in ministry.

I learned how he relocated back to Nigeria from the United Kingdom to pastor a small youth church in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. Members of the church testified of his commitment, devotion and love. I have learnt in an interview with Daddy G.O how difficult it was to track Pastor Dare’s location while he was in charge of youth and campus fellowship in Northern Nigeria. He was like a candle burning at both ends.

II Corinthians 11:23-29

Five times the Jewish leaders had me beaten with 39 lashes;
three times Roman officials had me beaten with clubs. Once people tried to stone me to death; three times, I was shipwrecked, and I drifted on the sea for a night and a day.
Because I’ve traveled a lot, I’ve faced dangers from raging rivers, from robbers, from my own people, and from other people. I’ve faced dangers in the city, in the open country, on the sea, and from believers who turned out to be false friends.
Because I’ve had to work so hard, I’ve often gone without sleep, been hungry and thirsty, and gone without food and without proper clothes during cold weather.
Besides these external matters, I have the daily pressure of my anxiety about all the churches.
When anyone is weak, I’m weak too. When anyone is caught in a trap, I’m also harmed.

In all of Pastor Dare’s travel, he would have faced dangers similar to those of Paul’s, but God kept him from all evil. Hence, God did not suddenly become incapacitated at Eket, Akwa Ibom State, on the day he died in his sleep. His devotion, service, ground covered and commitment in his over twenty years of full-time ministry surpass those ministers with more years in ministry.


But Why???

This is a question I will surely fail to answer, so I will not attempt to. I will fail because I don’t know why Jesus told Peter that he would die a martyr, but John the beloved may leave long.

I don’t know why God fought from heaven for Joshua against five kings (Joshua 10). God rained hailstones from heaven upon the enemy that day but did nothing to those who stoned Stephen to death (Acts 6).

Jesus sometimes makes students in his school offer challenging courses without explaining why the course and when the course will be over. Some people call this the school of the trial of faith and adversity.

To the unsaved

Surrender to the Lord Jesus today and repent of your sins. If you have not given the control of your life to Jesus, you are under the control of the Devil. And the devil will offer you the three items that he has in his store. These are death, destruction and stealing from you. If you surrender to Jesus he will give life abundant.

To the Saved

Do the work of God while it is still day. The night cometh when no man can do no work of God. Be committed to the kingdom Business.

Pastor Dare and his wife pastoring in Zaria

Action Point

  1.  Pray for the family of our revered father in the Lord Pastor E.A Adeboye. Infact adopt five others general overseers which you will always pray for.
  2. Pray for the widow of Pastor Dare Adeboye and the children left behind
  3. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ if you have not
  4. Support widows and children of men of God who has gone into glory financially and prayerfully
  5. Be committed to the ministry


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