Let somebody shout Hallelujah
I am happy to write about daddy G.O, a man that those whom we call dady also call daddy. There was no music in our house as a little child while growing up. My father was not a music person but books and sermons. We have radio cassettes/tapes of papa Kumuyi’s and Adeboye’s messages. We also have some of Yonggi Cho’s sermon, but Baba Adeboye’s sermon is the one I enjoyed most because it tells stories that are very interesting that makes his points memorable. Today is not the day I would love to reflect Baba Adeboye’s homiletics style. So I will only share eight things that make me love Baba Adeboye over and over.
- He is a friend of many: I doubt if there is any other man of God in Nigeria that has a strong relationship across denominations, like him. His acceptance by almost everyone in the body is by the grace of God. My wonder over time is that this acceptance did not make him lower the standard of the Lord Jesus.
- The simplicity of this great man is known to all, starting from his dressing and his conduct. I can recall his Kampala days with china trousers.
- Baba broke many grounds in ministry. I stand to be corrected by Pentecostal historians, but I will highlight some of the grounds which Baba broke : i.Redemption Camp. I know there are prayer mountains, but none of those denominations running them is Pentecostal. In church history in Nigeria, denominations like Christ Apostolic Church are not classified as Pentecostals but indigenous churches. Now many denominations have camps in Nigeria. ii.Holy Ghost Service: A monthly meeting which God does regular wonder in the life of his children and many being saved. Today most denominations have a version of such monthly meeting
- His creativity in ministry is second to none. For instance, without social media, many knew of Lekki 98 because of the innovation he brought to how Christians publicise programmes. Before then, radio jingles, television adverts, handbills and posters were the main tools. The main innovation was that the flier/handbill was laminated and worn with a ribbon on the neck or clipped to the clothing. The bearer becomes mobile signage. I recall a secretary who wore it, definitely as a front desk officer of a big organisation. In those days, she came across several people, and all became aware of Lekki 98. The hand band is another form of advert that originated from the same church Baba heads.
- His office: Baba’s ministry gift is a pastor, and he always insists on it. I doubt it if I know of anyone that operates in the prophetic like Baba Adeboye. For example, in a meeting, he gave a word that two witches were discussing while he was speaking in redemption camp. They were physically present in the meeting and sat at different locations. The conversation between the witches took place in the spirit, but Baba could pick it up. He called them out, and they repented.
- His conduct during meetings: He participates in all activities, jots if he is not the preacher, and sings. It is the habit of some clergy not to participate. This is because they look so serious, perhaps connecting to God (I do not condemn this anyway), but I love Baba Adeboye for always participating. I have seen him say the sinners’ prayers on sit while a preacher led convert in prayers.
- His Sermons: I promise not to come here, but I will not do justice to this without mentioning how Baba simplify the word of God. He is the easiest preacher to listen to as far as I am concerned, and it is safe to hear him. His registers are not difficult or conflicting. His use of the English language is not terrifying. And he is convincing,
- His prayer life: Baba’s prayer and fasting life are what I covet most. He prays and cherishes prayers. Yet, he is not relaxing at all. At eighty years, Baba still engages in total fast for days.
I will devote another edition to his family values but kindly add what you cherish about Dady Adeboye.
Dr N.A. Omilani has written this piece as an observer with little information. If you contest any of my claim, I am ready to learn
My Prayer
It shall be said concerning Baba that he will fulfil all that has been written of him in the name of Jesus Christ, and he will make heaven in Jesus name amen
The body of Christ all-over the world celebrate Baba, an icon of unity, faith and simplicity! Gud bless you our General of Faith!!!
Daddy is indeed An ICON, A Legend, A Father. Happy birthday Daddy
Wow. It captured almost all qualities I admired in Baba Adeboye. Thanks for honouring God’s General.
Great piece here. He is not a controversial preacher and still he teaches good doctrines capable of converting any sinner. God bless you Dr. Omilani for writing this.