Colossians 3 :16-17
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord
We thank God for a new month and we celebrate his love and protection over us. Someone said that God wakes up in the morning by his power and not the alarm clock. He said we could prove this by taking an alarm clock into a mortuary and see whether it would wake up the dead. This year, I want you to show gratitude and not a bad attitude towards Gods love in all areas.
Singing psalms is one of the ways to show gratitude as written in the bible. The psalms of David are the lyrics of songs he wrote in a lifetime. From the content of his psalm, we can easily see what he was going through. The Psalms of David is the account of Gods goodness in the life of David.
Another Psalmist is Moses, the great prophet. In Exodus 15:1-18, he wrote a powerful psalm to God for the great deliverance at the red sea. In verse 6, Moses said that “In the greatness of your majesty, you overthrow those who rise against you. You unleash your blazing fury; it consumes them like straw”. From this particular verse, we learnt that the Lord overthrew the house of Egypt in a blazing fury.
It is correct to write your own psalm on the goodness of God, which you experience daily, , weekly, monthly and annually.
Today, I want to write a psalm of Gods goodness.
~A Psalm of Nathaniel Ayodeji to all the saints of God~
~A Psalm written as I reflected on how God created and makes our body function~
~A song of God’s wonder in human Anatomy and Physiology~
When I look at my body systems and their functions; I asked myself who is the one who services and maintains me (Servicing my body like an automobile engine)
After all, I have used and replaced several mobile phones immediately there system starts malfunctioning.
Yet for decades, useth thou me just one: digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, urinary system, nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system and skeletal system
My rock thou serviceth my systems and they faileth not
To him who putteth life into every cell and they do not multiply beyond the instruction in the DNA
To him who hath registered the instruction to function in every tissue and organs in my body
To him that maketh them all to abide by the instructions forever
Wondereth thou me; how you help me conquer millions of germs I encounter on daily basis
Over five-hundred species of unseen soldiers encampeth around my toilet, door nub, bathroom, sink, *dish sponge*, *kitchen tap handle*, *shopping trolley*, *key board mouse*, *remote control*, *mobile* phone*, *toilet seat
Have you not restrained them all from doing me any harm through your divine fence
My rock, thou protecteth me also from those within my body with the same fence so that they do not increase beyond the bound you set for them
They also joineth their hands to make me well_
My rock thou lubricateth my joints so there no friction as I walk about
My rock that serviceth all men in all nations and kindred with the same perfection_
When I wear my eye glasses, I often use a piece of cloth to clean the lenses so I can see clearly through the lenses
Without any piece of clothe; you wipe off dirt from my lenses you created in my eyes. Through a small fountain which thou made in my eyes, cometh, fluids which cleanses the lens of my eyes ; I only behold the dirt inform of eye wax.
God is the greatest 🙏🏽